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The department was founded by professor O.Yu. Mayorov in June 1995.

O.Yu. Mayorov is Doctor of Medicine, full professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, WHO expert on digital health care, Chief Specialist for implementation IT into Health Care System of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (1999-2008), Chairman of the Joint Problem Committee on Telemedicine of the Ministry of Health and the Ukrainian National Academy of Medical Sciences (1996-2010), Senior Vice-President of the Ukrainian Association of Computer Medicine (since 1992), Vice-President of the Ukrainian Association of Clinical Neurophysiology 2010), Editor-in-Chief of the scientific and methodical journal Clinical Informatics and Telemedicine (since 2003).

Teaching staff (department staff):

Department Head

O.Yu. Mayorov – Doctor of Medicine, full professor;

Professors of the department

I.V. Redka – PhD in Biology, docent (since 2017)

M.L. Kochina – Doctor of Biology, full professor (2010-2017)

M.I. Yabluchansky – Doctor of Medicine, full professor (2000-2010)

Associate professor:

O.M. Zaytsev – MD, PhD in Medicine, docent, a specialist in the organization of health care (2010-2020).


O.Ya. Mikhalchuk – PhD in Medicine, MD, specialists in the field of computer functional diagnostics – qEEG, cECG, cHRV, cREG (2010-2020);

O.O. Chistyak – MD, PhD in Medicine, specialists in the field of computer functional diagnostics (qEEG, cECG, cHRV, cREG) (2000-2010).

K.A. Stepanchenko – MD, PhD in Medicine, specialists in the field of computer functional diagnostics (qEEG, cECG, cHRV, cREG) (2005-2010).

Senior lecturers:

A.B. Prognimak – Ph.D. in Physic and Mathematics (since 2005)

T.D. Nessonova – Master of Mathematics (since 2005)

V.M. Fenchenko – Ph.D. in Physic and Mathematics (2005-2019)

They are specialists in computer processing of biomedical signals, medical information (hospital) systems, biomedical statistics, artificial intelligence and medical expert systems.

Laboratory assistants with higher education:

V.O. Suvorova – senior laboratory assistant (since 2010);

V.L. Gavrilov – engineer (since 2009);

L.M. Timchenko-Fritzsche (since 2000-2010)

Educational work

The educational base of the department is located in the main building of Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, where there is a computer network node, computer classes with Internet access, the classroom equipped with multimedia tools for teaching modern medical information technology (IT).

The department conducts training courses of thematic improvement in the speciality of medical (clinical) informatics based on recommendations of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA). Training courses on: e-health, IT in functional diagnostics and clinical neurophysiology; health care management; telemedicine; medical Internet resources in scientific, diagnostic and treatment process; distance medical education; diagnosis and prognosis (expert and intellectual systems); processing of medical and biological data; work in the hospital information systems (HIS) environment; protection of medical information. The patent for the program on medical management "Information technologies in medical management" is received.

Physicians of all specialities and interns are trained at the department. Since 2001 the training of medical managers has begun.

Textbooks and computer presentations are prepared in all sections of medical informatics. Foreign and created at the department video films, Hospital Information System (HIS), diagnostic computer systems of qEEG, cECG, cREG, heart rate variability (HRV), pneumography, capillarography, dopplerography are used as a means of teaching medical informatics not only in classrooms but in real diagnosis process in the clinical base of the department.

Therapeutic work

The main clinical base of the department is located in the department of laboratory and functional examination methods of the Institute of Children and Adolescent Health Protection of the Ukranian National Academy of Medical Sciences. Computer qEEG, cHRV, cECG, cECG of high resolution, cREG, rheovasography, dopplerography, computer diagnostics of microcirculation and respiratory system are used in diagnostic, consultative and scientific work on the clinical base and in scientific research on clinical neurophysiology and psychophysiology.

The main directions of scientific research:
- development of information diagnostic technologies for diagnostics in cardiology, neurology and psychiatry;
- medical expert, intellectual and educational systems;
- implementation of information technologies in health care (Medical Information Systems (MIS), Hospital Information Systems (HIS).

Computer systems of EEG and HRV; new methods of study of multidimensional brain dynamic systems, nonlinear dynamics of brain and asymmetry of brain hemispheres, ECG and HRV; technologies of quantitative assessment of the state of the body's systems and the effectiveness of treatment effects are created. The brain activity of healthy people, patients with schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, depression and diabetes have being studied. A virtual EEG constructor has been developed as a training system. The department has scientific topics devoted to the creation of a typical Hospital Information System. Professor O.Yu. Mayorov is a co-author of the Concept and Program of the state policy of implementation IT in Ukrainian health care. The department has agreements on scientific cooperation with the institutes of the Academy of Medical Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Institute of Children and Adolescent Health Protection of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, Verkin Institute of Physics and Technology of the National Academy of Sciences), the Clinic of Internal Pathology (Zurich, Switzerland). The research of the department is reported at the European and World Congresses on Medical Informatics and Neuroscience. Five candidate and four doctoral dissertations have been completed. Department staff published four monographs, textbook, more than 300 articles.

Public work

Ukrainian Association for Computer Medicine (UACM) was founded in 1992 by the initiative of professor O. Yu. Mayorov.

Professor O. Yu. Mayorov representing Ukraine in the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA). He is member of the Council of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI), European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM), Presidium of the Ukrainian Society of Neuroscience.

The editorial board of the scientific-practical journal "Clinical Informatics and Telemedicine" and the Academic Council of UACM are headquartered in the department. The Joint Problem Committee on Telemedicine of the Ministry of Health and the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (1996-2010) had being worked for many years in the department.

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