Oleg Yu. Mayorov
Academic titles: Doctor of medical sciences (1989), Professor of the Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics (1990), Head of the Faculty of the Clinical Informatics and IT in Healthcare Management of the Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (KhMAPE) (1995), Professor of the Faculty of Computer Technique and Mathematical Modeling, School of Medicine of the V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University (2000). Expert in the field of medical informatics and neuroscience. IMIA & EFMI representative of Ukraine.
Memberships: Academy of Sciences of Technological Cybernetics of Ukraine (AS TCU) (1993), New York Academy of Sciences (1994), Europaische Akademie der Naturwissenchaften, Germany (2008). Presidium member of The Ukranian Society of Neuroscience (2011), Founding member of the Ukrainian Association for Clinical Neurophysiology (2004-2006), Member of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) (2011), Member of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) (1976), Member of the National Institute of Health Informatics of Canada (2011).
Professional activities: since 1973 engaged in scientific and pedagogic work. Head of the Department of Age physiology (1986-1989), Head of the Clinical and Experimental Department of Emotional stress and Functional diagnostics (1989-1998), Principal Scientists & Head, Laboratory of Functional Diagnostics (EEG / qEEG) (1997-pres) at the Institute of Children and Adolescent Health Protection of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Founder & Principal scientists of the Department of Public Health Informatization at the Ukrainian Institute of Public Health (1997-2003), Professor & Head Faculty of Clinical Informatics and IT in Healthcare Management in Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (1995-pres).
The basic scientific direction of professor O.Yu.Mayorov is the development of diagnostic technologies in neuro- and cardiodiagnostics, intellectual training systems, and information-processing in health care. He is the author of a computer system encompassing EEG and HRV programs (qEEG - NeuroResearcher® & qHRV - Cardio-Tension-Test®), a new method of research multivariate linear neurodynamic systems of the brain and functional asymmetry of hemispheres. He has created the newest technology of research of nonlinear dynamics in the brain on EEG (deterministic chaos); technologies of objective estimation of functional systems in an organism with the aim of assessing the efficiency of medical treatment in schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, depression and a diabetes.
Under his management, a fully-functional Hospital Information System Institute-MiT@Clinica® , using high-performance object, post-relational database, an electronic signature, the protection of personal data has been created. Professor O.Yu. Mayorov is the co-author of the Concepts of a State policy of the Public health informatization of Ukraine (1995, 2013), the State Public Health Programme (2006), Scientific director of the National Program and Action Plan for 2014-2016 years and the architecture of the National network "UkrMedNet". He is author and project manager of the sanitary and epidemiologic monitoring system in the large industrial city “SEMON“.
Professor O.Yu. Mayorov has founded the first Ukrainian Faculty of Clinical Informatics and IT in Healthcare Management in KhMAPE (1995). During this period the faculty has trained more than 7000 physicians of all specialties (including 928 family doctors), and about 5.700 interns. Since 2001 the preparation of medical managers has started.
The author has got a list of more 300 scientific publications, including two textbooks and three books (monographs). Under his scientific management 8 PhD and Dr.Sci. dissertations have been concluded successfully.
He is the founder and the Editor-in-chief of the International Journal Klinicheskaya informatika i Telemeditsina, ISSN 1812-7231 [Clinical Informatics and Telemedicine] (since 2003), a member of Editorial boards of professional journals: "Medical Informatics and Engineering", "Cybernetics and Computer Engineering", "The European Journal of Biomedical Informatics (EJBI)".
Professor O. Yu. Mayorov was an invited guest lecturer at the National Institute of Health in the USA (the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), Bethesda, Washington; the National Institute on Aging (NIA) at Johns Hopkins Bayview Campus in Baltimore, Maryland), the Pittsburgh University (Neuroimmunological Department), the State University of New York (Department of Physiology), The University of South Alabama (Mobile), the Federal Technical University of Switzerland (Institute of Computer Systems, Zurich), and the University of Zurich (Institute of Pharmacology).
Professor O. Yu. Mayorov was Chief Medical Informatician of Ukraine (1999-2007), Chairman of the United Commission of the Ministry of Health and National Academy of Medical Sciences "Telemedicine" (1996-2010), a member of the Strategic board of the European observatory on a telemedicine (1999-2007), the Vice-President of the specialized academic Council (since 2005), a member of the Council of expert on medical and biologic problems of the Highest Certifying Commission of Ukraine (1994-1999, 2006-2011), the Vice-chairman of the Branch Commission on certification of medical software products (since 1995), and a Deputy-chairman of the Coordination Council of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on questions of informatization (2006, 2013-pres).
He is the founder, Senior Vice-President and Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Ukrainian Association for Computer Medicine (since 1992), a member of the Council of the European Federation on Medical Informatics (EFMI, http://www.efmi.org/) since 1994, the representative of Ukraine in the International Association of Medical Informatics (IMIA, http://www.imia.org/) since 1993, the representative of Ukraine in the European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM, http://hitm.eu/) (since 2007), one of founders and Vice-president of the Ukrainian Association of Clinical Neurophysiology (2004-2006), the founder and Chairman of the Kharkiv Scientific Society of Medical Informatics (since 2005) and a member of the Scientific Program Committees of the European Congresses and Conferences of Medical Informatics (1976-2014).
He has received an academician P.K.Anokhin medal of the Normal Physiology Institute Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR (Russia) for development “Theories of functional systems” (1991). Has received grants of the British Computer Society for development of medical information technologies (1994, 1995, 1996), and he was awarded the Leonard Euler medal of Europaische Akademie der Naturwissenchaften, Germany (2009) for his outstanding contribution to the creation of the newest medical information technologies.