Telemedicine and Telehealth
in Russia: Experience
of Practical Activities
and Perspectives
Science Institute for the pediatrics and children's surgery of Miministry
of health, Moscow,
Russian Federation
The Russian public health services has long-term traditions of the remote the data analysis. Modern telemedical technologies have allowed to provide approaching of the qualified medical aid inhabitants of the remote areas. Teleconsultations (including videoconferences) will be carried out in the scheduled and emergency order, including extreme situations. Regional telemedical networks are created. Various kinds of communication are applied for this purpose, including satellite. Interactive contacts of physicians to consultants promote growth of their qualification, alongside with reception
of new knowledge at distantly training.
The telemedicine has shown economic efficiency of its application. The corporate systems created in the field of congenital anomalies, diabetes mellitus, oncology and other directions of medicine, are the precondition of transition to uniform information medical space and telehealth services as to synthesis of global information and telemedicine systems.
Keywords: telemedicine consultation, disaster telemedicine, distance teaching, telemedicine nets, telehealth, e-Health.