The use analysis of variance methods at clinical research phase 1-st of the «Altabor»
V. E. Dobrova, M. G. Starchenko, T. V. Saienko


        In work the analysis of variance method used for estimation of three doses tolerability of the «Altabor» is presented. Comparison of parameters of general and biochemical blood tests, indexes of koagulogramm for three groups is conducted. It was shown, that the increase of single dose did not affect the indexes of general blood test. Statistically meaningful differences were observed for the two from ten parameters of biochemical blood test and three from four parameters of koagulogramm. The use of analysis of variance at research of the «Altabor» allowed to expose the tendencies of influencing of factor of increase of dose, which were taken into account at estimation of non-permanent dose tolerability and in subsequent researches of course dose tolerability
Keywords: clinical trials, tolerability, medicine «Altabor», analysis of variance.