Estimation and forecasting of the human health state in long term space flights. Modern condition and prospects.
Manuscript is devoted to the new scientific concept of an estimation and forecasting of organism functional state and results of its realization at research of cardiovascular system in conditions of space flight. Theoretical bases of the doctrine about health are considered. Results of researches of vegetative regulation of blood circulation in space are submitted. The special attention is given prospects of development of organism functional state estimation and forecasting at the International Space Station and in interplanetary flights. New hardware-software complexes which are developed for use in the future space flights are described. Problems of an estimation of a crew members health state at flight to Mars are discussed. In this connection results of the14-month's flight longest in a history of astronautics are considered. It is shown, that for preservation of a cardiovascular homeostasis at long stay of the person in space in the process of adaptation includes a new additional regulatory mechanisms. The project of three-level medical information system for the future interplanetary flight is in summary described.
Keywords: health, space medicine, vegetative regulation of blood circulation, cardiovascular homeostasis, estimation and forecasting of functional states, international space station, interplanetary flights, medical information system.