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KIT Clinical Informatics and Telemedicine ISSN 1812-7231; ISSN 2786-5800 (online)
Interdisciplinary scientific and methodological journal "Clinical Informatics and Telemedicine", ISSN 1812-7231 - the official Journal of the Ukrainian Association for Computer Medicine.
Published 1-2 times a year. He publishes papers on all sections of medical informatics, pharmacoinformatics, telemedicine. The journal highlights the latest technologies in clinical informatics: hospital information systems, computer technologies in clinical neurophysiology and functional diagnostics, medical imaging, and many others.
Review and scientific articles are reviewed by leading domestic and foreign experts.
The journal was founded in 2003. It was registered in 2010 by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine as a specialized professional journal in four areas - medical sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, biological sciences, informatics and instrumentation.
Attention! In September 2020, the Journal was included in the List of printed periodicals included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in category "B" in the specialties "medicine", "technologies of medical diagnostics and treatment" (specialties - 222, 224), "pharmacy" (specialty - 226) (Appendix 5 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 09.24.2020, No. 1188), "biology" (specialty - 091), "biotechnology (specialty - 162) and" biomedical engineering "(specialty - 163) (Appendix 3 to the order Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 26.11.2020,¹ 1471).
The journal is cited and indexed in scientometric databases: the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Index Copernicus and CrossRef.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Editorial board

NEW!MedInfo2025 Healthcare Smart X Medicine Deep
9 – 13 August 2025, The Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), Taipei, Taiwan
img   Official website

NEW!the 33rd International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (ICCN) 2024,
10-14 September, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2024

Official website


NEW!The 16th International Congress in Nursing Informatics, NI2024
will be held in Manchester, UK from July 28-31, 2024.

Official website


  International Congress MedInfo 2023
7 – 12 July, 2023. Sydney, Australia


A Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation will be held February 9, 2023, Kyiv

Organizers: State Institution "Scientific-Practical Medical Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Ukrainian Association for "Computer Medicine".
Venue: National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

img Official website
Conference program (in UKR)

  XIII International Medical Forum "Medicine Innovations – the Nation's Health"
17 - 19 May 2022, Kyiv, Ukraine
img Official website
Information message (in UKR)
  EFMI MIE 2022
27 - 30 May, 2022, Nice, France
  The III-d Congress "Medical and biological informatics and cybernetics" with international participation.
June 23 - 24, 2022, Kyiv, Ukraine
  The Fourteenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine eTELEMED 2022
26 - 30 June, 2022, Porto, Portugal
     Official website
  XVII Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation "Actual problems of clinical and technological medicine".
November 11, 2022, Kostiantynivka, Ukraine
  IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information Systems and Technologies in Medicine".
November 24 - 25, 2022, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  International Scientific and Practical Conference
"Information Systems and Technologies in Medicine"

25 - 26 November 2021, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Information message (in UKR)    
  XII International Medical Forum "Medicine Innovations – the Nation's Health"
25 - 27 May 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine
Official website
Information message (in UKR)
  Nurses and midwives in the digital age, online
August 23 – September 2, 2021
For more details    
  MedInfo 2021 "One World, One Health: Global Partnership for Digital Innovation", Virtual Conference
October 2 – 4, 2021
For more details    
  Scientific and practical conference with international participation
"Medical-psychological and informational aspects of rehabilitation and human habilitation"

20 October 2020, Kostantynivka, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine
Urgent message! (in RUS)
Information message (in UKR)
  International Scientific and Practical Conference
"Information Systems and Technologies in Medicine"

26 - 27 November 2020, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Information message (in UKR)
Conference Program
Collection of scientific articles
  The EFMI 2020 Special Topic Conference "Integrated citizen centered digital health and social care – Citizens as data producers and service co-creators"
26 - 28 November 2020, electronic conference
Official website    
  XI International Medical Forum "Medicine Innovations – the Nation's Health"
16 - 18 September 2020, Kyiv, Ukraine
Official website
Information message (application in UKR)
Information message (in UKR)
  MIE 2020 – Digital Personalized Medicine
28 April - 1 May 2020, Geneva, Switzerland
Official website
Online Rregistry
  All-Ukrainian scientific and methodological video conference with international participation
Actual issues of distance education and telemedicine 2020

22-23 April, 2020, Zaporizhia, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Information message (in UKR)    
  Conference "Topical Issues of Transformation of Municipal Health Care Facilities into Public Utilities"
February 22, 2020, Kyiv, Ukraine
Information message (in UKR)    
  Scientific and practical conference "Microbiological Readings in Memory of Professor Yuri Volyansky"
February 12, 2020, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Information message (in UKR)    
  The 17th World Congress of Medical and Health Informatics
25 - 30 August 2019, Lyon, France
Official website    
  Scientific-practical conference with international participation "Optimization of methods for radiation diagnosis of oncological pathology of the abdominal cavity, new systemic approaches using MSCT, MRI, PET/CT scan"
26 - 27 September 2019, Odesa, Ukraine
Information message    
  Scientific-practical conference with international participation "Information technologies and systems in medicine" (ISM-2019)
28 - 29 November 2019, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Information message
Conference Program
Scientific Works
  EFMI STC 2019, ICT for Health Science Research
7 - 10 April 2019, Hannover, Germany
Official website    
  EFMI STC 2018: Decision Support Systems and Education – Help and Support in Healthcare
14 - 16 October 2018, Zagreb, Croatia
Official website    
  The International Conference "Information systems and technologies in medicine" (ISM-2018)
28 - 30 November 2018, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Conference Proceedings
  Software Design for Medical Devices
19 - 22 February 2018, Munich, Germany
  MIE 2018
Building Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data: the Future of Co-Created eHealth
24 - 26 April 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden
Official website    
  The 15th Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference
June 4-7, 2018, Madrid, Spain
Official website    
  2017 Special Topic Conference (STC):
"The practice of patient centered care: Empowering and engaging patients in the digital era"

23 – 24 October 2017, Tel Aviv, Israel
Official website    
  The 16th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (MedInfo2017)
21 - 25 August 2017, Guangzhou, China
Official website    
  Informatics for Health 2017
24 – 26 April 2017, Manchester Central, UK
Official website    
  Ukrainian scientific-practical video conference with international participation "Current Issues of Distance Education and Telemedicine 2016"
13 - 14 October 2016, Zaporizhzhya, Kyiv
Official website    
  Medical Informatics Europe conference - MIE 2016. "Health Exploring Complexity: An Intedisciplinary Systems Approach".
28 August - 2 September 2016, Munich, Germany
Official website    
  Third European Congress on eCardiology and eHealth
26 - 28 October, 2016, Berlin, Germany
Official website    
  The Special Topic Conference (STC) is "Transforming Healthcare with the Internet of Things”
17 - 19 April, 2016, Paris, France
Official website    
  2nd Congress "Medical and biological informatics and cybernetics” with international participation
12 - 14 November 2015, Kyiv, Ukraine
More Information
Letter of Invitation
Congress Program (Ukrainian)
Congress Resolution (Ukrainian)
  VI International Medical Forum "Innovations in Medicine - Health of the Nation"
15 - 17 April, 2015, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Official website
Announcement (in russian)
  The 8th CHAOS 2015 International Conference
26 - 29 May, 2015, Paris, France
Official website    
  The 15th World Congress on Health and Biomedical Informatics
19 - 23 August, 2015, São Paulo city, Brazil
  International conference
Information Technologies in Neurology, Psychiatry, Epileptology and Medical Statistics

17 - 18 October 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine
Conference Program (russian, ukrainian)
  International conference
Information Technologies in Cardiology

11 – 12 April 2013, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Conference Program (russian)
  International conference
Informatization of healthcare in Ukraine: Prospects of development

17 - 18 October 2012, Kyiv, Ukraine
Conference Program (.docx)
Conference Program (.doc)
  6-10 June, 2011 Kyiv
V Congress of Ukrainian Society for Neuroscience
Scientific Works
  20-23 April, 2011 Kiev, Ukraine
Conference with the international participation "Medical and Biological Informatics and Cybernetics: Steps of the Development”
img Conference Program img Scientific Works
  I-st Congress "Medical and Biological Informatics and Cybernetics" with international participation
  img Congress Program     img Scientific Works
  Conference 2007
  Conference 2005
  Conference 2004
  Anniversary Conference 2003
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World Health Organization
Internetional Medical Informatics Association
European Federation for Medical Informatics
European Association of Healthcare IT Managers
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies
International Brain Research Organization
European Journal for Biomedical Informatics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education ( ESIPE KhNMU) (Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education joined ESIPE KhNMU at the end of 2022)
Department of Clinical Informatics and Information Technologies in Health Management of KhMAPE (joined to ESIPE of KhNMU at the end of 2022 after merging with the Department of Social Medicine, Management and Business in Health Care)
International Birth Defects Information Systems
European eHealth News Porta
In the Committee of the Supreme Council (Verkhovna Rada) of Ukraine. "Round table" meeting on the topic: "Informatization of Health Care of Ukraine"


MedInfo 2021 was held virtually October 2 - 4, 2021.

IMIA announces the online publication of "International Medical Informatics and the Transformation of Healthcare" November 9, 2021
Site Editor
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